Intel® X86 Encoder Decoder
The source code for the examples is in the "examples" subdirectory. More...
The source code for the examples is in the "examples" subdirectory.
There is a makefile that will build all the examples on Linux or windows.
There are several examples, mainly:
xed-asmparse-main.c: A unique encoder example showcasing how to process command-line encode requests in assembly format It allows processing multiple requests separated by a semicolon. This is different from other encoder examples in that the input is not in Intel® XED encode request format.
Other specific use-case examples:
xed-reps.c: Shows the use of the REP prefix APIs, which basically returns the non-REP variant of a REP ICLASS and vice versa.
The above examples use the following utilities to process different inputs:
xed-dot: Generates a dependency graph from a set of decoded instructions and pours the results into a dot file. The dot file can be converted into a .png to visualize the results. Each node represents an instruction, an edge is added based on dependency between involved regs (RAW, WAW, WAR).
The examples are described in the following subsections: